Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fictional Book Spotlight #3

After constant debates between myself, I finally decided upon the next book I'll be spotlighting on..

If you are expecting a review about  happy children having a grand time, clever talking animals or even about cake, STOP. STOP. If you refuse to read about miserable children, dirty dishes and evil caretakers, then STOP. The review you are about to read is extremely miserable and heartbreaking. So, if you don't have the stomach to read about children losing their parents or having to sleep in a horrible house, then you're better off reading some other book review of mine.


The first book of The Series of Unfortunate Events, lives true to its name. It does have a bad beginning. At the first part of the book, our protagonists Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire were told that their parents have been killed in a fire that their destroyed their house and their world. Afterwards, they were sent to live with Count Olaf, an extremely terrible man with evil motives. Together they must stop a wedding, escape the Count's clutches and make puttanesca sauce. Will their misfortune end or is this just the start of a chain of events that will change their lives forever? I'm sorry to tell you that the answer is the latter. But for now, we look to see where it all started. 


As you can see, my synopsis above is quite short. Since, it's quite hard to give you a long one without spoiling the details. Anyway, this isn't really my favorite book in The Series of Unfortunate Events but it's enough to make you itch for the next book and the next and the next and the next. What I like about the book is the protagonists. Violet, Klaus and Sunny are extremely clever children, and it's such a shame that they are so unlucky. It's a really heartbreaking book and it gives so much fake hope which I think adds to its "unfortunate" factor. Lemony Snicket has a plucky and witty way of writing which is really fun to read. Although, this isn't as great or as emotionally devastating as the other books in the series, it's a pretty good read. There are little inconsistencies here and there but they can be overlooked. Count Olaf is a real villain through and through, without a single hint of mercy in his bone. You might think that he's a paper doll character but you'll understand why he's like that in the later books. The  mystery behind the children's lives is still waiting to be discovered. Overall, I advice all of you to ruin your lives by reading the series and breaking your own hearts. Seriously. It's worth it.

There's also a movie about this which started my interest in the books in the first place.
Rating: 3.9/5

"If you have ever lost someone very important to you, then you already know how it feels, and if you haven't you cannot possibly imagine it." -Lemony Snicket, The Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning.

The Baudelaires try to send their love,

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