Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Fictional Dreamcast: Rose Weasley (HP Nextgen)

Jane Levy as Rose Weasley
Being an avid Potterhead, I've always enjoyed imagining the NextGen. The Harry Potter NextGen era is when Harry, Hermione and Ron's children go to Hogwarts. Although, we only know so little about that era which gives us, Potterheads the opportunity to imagine and create a whole new world. Some Potterheads write NextGen fanfics, others write essays about the characters and of course, there are dreamcasts. 

I imagine the wonderful actress Jane Levy  to be the face of Rose Weasley, the daughter of Ron and Hermione. The personality I've imagined for Rose is a very ambitious girl with a lot of spike. She's also inherited her mother's brain yet she has the emotional capacity of her father. This landed her in....Slytherin.
Her sorting results disappointed her father and no matter how much he tries to hide it, it still shows. This caused a very strained relationship between Ron and Rose. The once close father-daughter relationship is now ruined. This caused Rose to gradually change the way she sees her family beliefs. She slowly starts to question the things around her and well, let's just say she's starting to like the pureblood beliefs better.

Next Dreamcast: Lily Luna Potter or James Sirius Potter

Cheers to butterbeer,

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