Friday, August 8, 2014

A Fictional Dreamcast: James Sirius Potter (HP Nextgen)

Nicholas Hoult as James Sirius Potter.

Guess what we have here? Another dreamcast, that's what. May I present to you, His Highness King of Awesomeness James Sirius Potter. As you can see, I've cast the lovely actor Nicholas Hoult as James. I imagine James as the cocky, over-bearing, sassily sarcastic King of Hogwarts. He prances around the school as if he owns it. He is of course in Gryffindor ( I mean, where else would he be?). He loves his status as an alpha male and likes to somehow shove it into everyone's faces. But there are times when he can be caring, funny and sensitive. Besides, the only reason he's being cocky is because of his insecurities. Deep inside, James feels he can never be as great as people expect him to be. This rattles him sometimes. But he tries to give off his "I am the King of the World" composure to hide it.

This dreamcast is dedicated to the most psychotic fangirl I know. 

A toast to firewhiskey,

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