Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Game of Moodboards


This certainly would probably be one of my fave moodboards of all time (even though, so far I posted only two). It's a collection of my favorite Game of Thrones Cast gifs. They're all so very adorable and I love them so much. Everytime I see them on my laptop, I want to get in the screen and give them all a hug because they're all so sweet and funny. Yes, I get a hella lot cheesy when I fangirl about Game of Thrones. IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOVES OF MY LIFE. Anyway, I'll probably post another GoT moodboard in the future. It depends. For now, enjoy Kit Harington's smile and Maisie William's antics.

(*whispers* I got all the gifs here.)

Winter is coming,

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