Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fictional Book Spotlight #3

After constant debates between myself, I finally decided upon the next book I'll be spotlighting on..

If you are expecting a review about  happy children having a grand time, clever talking animals or even about cake, STOP. STOP. If you refuse to read about miserable children, dirty dishes and evil caretakers, then STOP. The review you are about to read is extremely miserable and heartbreaking. So, if you don't have the stomach to read about children losing their parents or having to sleep in a horrible house, then you're better off reading some other book review of mine.


The first book of The Series of Unfortunate Events, lives true to its name. It does have a bad beginning. At the first part of the book, our protagonists Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire were told that their parents have been killed in a fire that their destroyed their house and their world. Afterwards, they were sent to live with Count Olaf, an extremely terrible man with evil motives. Together they must stop a wedding, escape the Count's clutches and make puttanesca sauce. Will their misfortune end or is this just the start of a chain of events that will change their lives forever? I'm sorry to tell you that the answer is the latter. But for now, we look to see where it all started. 


As you can see, my synopsis above is quite short. Since, it's quite hard to give you a long one without spoiling the details. Anyway, this isn't really my favorite book in The Series of Unfortunate Events but it's enough to make you itch for the next book and the next and the next and the next. What I like about the book is the protagonists. Violet, Klaus and Sunny are extremely clever children, and it's such a shame that they are so unlucky. It's a really heartbreaking book and it gives so much fake hope which I think adds to its "unfortunate" factor. Lemony Snicket has a plucky and witty way of writing which is really fun to read. Although, this isn't as great or as emotionally devastating as the other books in the series, it's a pretty good read. There are little inconsistencies here and there but they can be overlooked. Count Olaf is a real villain through and through, without a single hint of mercy in his bone. You might think that he's a paper doll character but you'll understand why he's like that in the later books. The  mystery behind the children's lives is still waiting to be discovered. Overall, I advice all of you to ruin your lives by reading the series and breaking your own hearts. Seriously. It's worth it.

There's also a movie about this which started my interest in the books in the first place.
Rating: 3.9/5

"If you have ever lost someone very important to you, then you already know how it feels, and if you haven't you cannot possibly imagine it." -Lemony Snicket, The Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning.

The Baudelaires try to send their love,

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Game of Moodboards


This certainly would probably be one of my fave moodboards of all time (even though, so far I posted only two). It's a collection of my favorite Game of Thrones Cast gifs. They're all so very adorable and I love them so much. Everytime I see them on my laptop, I want to get in the screen and give them all a hug because they're all so sweet and funny. Yes, I get a hella lot cheesy when I fangirl about Game of Thrones. IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOVES OF MY LIFE. Anyway, I'll probably post another GoT moodboard in the future. It depends. For now, enjoy Kit Harington's smile and Maisie William's antics.

(*whispers* I got all the gifs here.)

Winter is coming,

A Fictional Dreamcast: Lily Luna Potter (HP Nextgen)

Molly Quinn as Lily Luna Potter
Well, isn't she adorable? Meet Lily Luna Potter, the sweetheart of the family. I've dreamcasted the absolutely adorable actress Molly Quinn as Lily Luna. My image of Lily Luna is the cute and wonderful little sister of James and Albus. At a young age, she was pampered and loved by absolutely everybody in the family which left her a wee bit spoiled. Unlike the rest of her family, she isn't brave and doesn't even try to be. For her, bravery and outspokenness only leads to tragedy and conflict. She got sorted into Hufflepuff because although she doesn't value bravery, she greatly values friendship and loyalty. She doesn't like to have conflicts with anyone and would gladly conform just to have peace. This leads her to being a pushover and people can easily take advantage of her. She isn't that keen on her studies, despite her intelligence, she doesn't get marks as high as her brothers. Overall, Lily Luna Potter tries to go through life as best as she can with good intentions and a sweet smile on her face.

Next Dreamcast: Albus Severus Potter (!)

Don't touch the wolfsbane,

Friday, August 8, 2014

More posts coming soon!

So, I've decided to be ultra productive on this blog and post a lot. Among the awesome things I'll be posting pretty soon will be:

  • The Lily Luna Dreamcast and maybe, another surprise dreamcast! (Albus or Scorpius?)  Done the Lily Luna Dreamcast already! 
  • A moodboard or two because I like making these stuff.  I did the first moodboard but another one might be coming up. 
  • A guide or a book spotlight. It all depends on my mood. I made a book review! 
  • A tea and thought about my OTPS and ships (so excited for this one!!)

Thoughts on The Amazing World of Gumball

Milk tea and Gumball Waterson
I decided to have this part on my blog, aside from the book spotlights where I discuss (write, rather) about fictional things other than books, like t.v. shows, plays, characters, ships and so much more. Plus, the best part is I drink tea while I write this! Yayy for tea!

So this is a "Tea and Thought" about one of the most amusing shows on television, The Amazing World of Gumball. Why did I choose to write about this and moreover, why in the freaking hell did I put milk in my tea? First of all, I got home and Gumball was on t.v. and I couldn't stop laughing at their crazy antics. So a thought popped in my mind, "What if I put this on my blog?" So here we are, folks. About the milk in my tea..at first, my tea was just your regular old Lipton tea then, I decided to milk it up a bit. (Haha? Ok not funny, I know.) It tastes pretty good, actually. Besides, cold milk tea is quite popular these days, so why not try it hot.

Anyway, my thoughts on the show... well, Gumball is one of those shows that when you initially look at it you'd think it's only for kids but to be honest, people who are "too old" to watch it (like me!) actually enjoy it. I mean, what's funnier than a dysfunctional rabbit-cat family with a fat, lazy father and a workaholic mom with anger management issues? Let's not forget the genius of the family, Anais and Darwin, the fish out of water. Of course there's the star of the show, Gumball. He's sarcastic and stupid. Their school has a talking t-rex as a bully, romance between a cactus and a balloon, a cute almond-peanut girl, a banana dude and this weird ghost goth chick. There's still a lot I haven't mentioned, though.

Overall, Gumball is a show I can easily relate to. There are lot of situations where I can put myself in the place of the characters. It's not childish, it's actually quite fun. It would take a real boring person not to appreciate Gumball. Even my mom watches it! (lol that sounded awkward). The characters are quirky and the storylines are light and funny. Sometimes you laugh at their stupidity and the next minute, Darwin's spurting out words of wisdom. The show's randomness is seriously charming.  I remember that episode when their teacher crashed their party and caused more damage than the students. Yep, the show certainly is one of my faves and I won't allow you to judge me because of it.

Greetings from the Watersons,

A Fictional Dreamcast: James Sirius Potter (HP Nextgen)

Nicholas Hoult as James Sirius Potter.

Guess what we have here? Another dreamcast, that's what. May I present to you, His Highness King of Awesomeness James Sirius Potter. As you can see, I've cast the lovely actor Nicholas Hoult as James. I imagine James as the cocky, over-bearing, sassily sarcastic King of Hogwarts. He prances around the school as if he owns it. He is of course in Gryffindor ( I mean, where else would he be?). He loves his status as an alpha male and likes to somehow shove it into everyone's faces. But there are times when he can be caring, funny and sensitive. Besides, the only reason he's being cocky is because of his insecurities. Deep inside, James feels he can never be as great as people expect him to be. This rattles him sometimes. But he tries to give off his "I am the King of the World" composure to hide it.

This dreamcast is dedicated to the most psychotic fangirl I know. 

A toast to firewhiskey,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Fictional Moodboard: Exam Week


So I took a break from studying my torturous exams to make something awesome. A moodboard. For all of you who don't know, a moodboard is a collection of cool gifs that describe how you're feeling at the moment. Considering it's exam week, I made a moodboard of all the crazy, random and just plain painful emotions I feel. SCIENCE IS KILLING ME FROM THE INSIDE.

Ok back to studying,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Fictional Dreamcast: Rose Weasley (HP Nextgen)

Jane Levy as Rose Weasley
Being an avid Potterhead, I've always enjoyed imagining the NextGen. The Harry Potter NextGen era is when Harry, Hermione and Ron's children go to Hogwarts. Although, we only know so little about that era which gives us, Potterheads the opportunity to imagine and create a whole new world. Some Potterheads write NextGen fanfics, others write essays about the characters and of course, there are dreamcasts. 

I imagine the wonderful actress Jane Levy  to be the face of Rose Weasley, the daughter of Ron and Hermione. The personality I've imagined for Rose is a very ambitious girl with a lot of spike. She's also inherited her mother's brain yet she has the emotional capacity of her father. This landed her in....Slytherin.
Her sorting results disappointed her father and no matter how much he tries to hide it, it still shows. This caused a very strained relationship between Ron and Rose. The once close father-daughter relationship is now ruined. This caused Rose to gradually change the way she sees her family beliefs. She slowly starts to question the things around her and well, let's just say she's starting to like the pureblood beliefs better.

Next Dreamcast: Lily Luna Potter or James Sirius Potter

Cheers to butterbeer,

Fictional Book Spotlight #2

I can't believe it took me an eternity to write this up and sorry for the delay, people who actually take time to read my blog. Anyway, as promised here is the review for...

I really hold this book close to my heart for some reason.  I discovered this book through my friend Katelyn and I was able to buy my own copy. Its wonder lies not in the depth of its plot. Neil Gaiman's books are also so haunting and beautiful, just like this one. So without further ado, 
The Ocean at The End of The lane..


This is mostly centered around the unnamed narrator's childhood. If those words discourage you. Think again. His childhood was anything but normal. Nope, it wasn't filled with those same old fantastical adventures we usually read in kid's books. The adventure in this book was subtle yet powerful. (Hint: There's fantaaaasy) It all starts when he meets Lettie Hempstock who lives down the lane with her mother and grandmother. They have an "ocean" in their backyard, it's actually just a pond. (or not.) They chain of events that follow are soon pretty mystical and so very deep. Together, they must fight off an evil that threatens to disturb their peaceful countryside. 
  Reading the above words might make you feel that this is more of a kid's book but trust me, it isn't. It brings you back to your childhood but there are lots of metaphors and hidden meanings in between the lines. But at the same time it isn't an adult story. It's somewhere in between and that's the special thing about it.


 Honestly, writing this review was quite hard for me. The book is just so wonderful and beautiful that it is hard to capture it in words. Although, I'd say that Neil Gaiman's writing style is only for those who appreciate a creepy and haunting feel when reading their books (kind of like Lemony Snicket). I really got caught up with this book and I can't stop reading it. The Hempstocks were very unlikely people and you could easily love them. Plus, we all could relate to the unnamed boy narrator.  His innocent and simple thoughts ring with powerful truth and conviction.  When reading the book, I was sucked into the English countryside and all its mysteries. Even as I read it, I feel like I'm standing underneath the orange sky off the boundaries of the Hempstock  farm and listening to Lettie singing in a foreign tongue. The ending was memorable and just plain beautiful. You should all definitely read this book with all its wondrous peculiarities and mysteries. It will make you laugh, it will make you smile, it will make you cry and it will make you think about the darkness that lies outside and inside of us.

Rating: 4.5/5

"Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are things people are scared of. Some of them are things that look like things people are scared of a long time ago. Sometimes monsters are things people should be scared of, but aren't" -Lettie Hempstock

Thank you for reading my second review. It's such a pleasure to have people coming onto this blog. I'm not sure what my next book review will be but I have some books in mind. So stay tuned!